Yeshivas Kayitz Program sun The Hershey & Raisy Friedman Campus

Bounce! Mesivta / July 8


This Thursday, the YKK Mesivta program had a chance to show off their acrobatic skills at their most amazing trip to Bounce! (trampoline park). Backflips, frontflips, dunks, bouncing dodgeball games and much much more, they most definitely had themselves a blast!

Paintball Shoooting Mechina / July 8


The 8th grade program had a blast this past Thursday with some exciting games of paintball shooting! Then, like always, an amazing day of trips and fun ended off with a beautiful BBQ waiting for the Bochurim back in camp. Can't ask for a better way to go into a onderful Friday and Shabbos then a spectacular trip as such! #DonutChallenge

Mivtza Torah Trip Mechina / July 3

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A full Blat of Gemara by heart is nothing for these Bochurim, and the award; a  trip to The Sports Cone. A great place nearby camp where the Mivtza Torah Participants had a chance on some amzing Go-Karts, Batting Cages, and Miniature Golf.

Learn hard, play hard! And the Mivtza is only starting.

Schmadoooozel 2.0 Mechina / July 1

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Once again, Schmadoooozel is back in camp, bringing his famous Friday afternoon grilled meal with him, for all the MBP Bochurim to enjoy, and to encourage the others to join in on the fun for the coming weeks.




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