Yeshivas Kayitz Program sun The Hershey & Raisy Friedman Campus

Atzmoi's theme song Mechina / July 30


Atzmoi's theme song:

(T.T.T.O. Meheira)

It is known to all, on shlichus they do go Rebbe’s image

to conquer every corner of the world,

Mendy and his wife, to a place devoid of life

To enlighten every spark that may be there.

Spending sleepless nights, working till its light

All the worries that are going through his mind

Sitting in his office chair, he begins to tear

All the challenges are they too much to bear?


his mind then rolls back, Just a couple of years, sitting by a farbrengen,

somehow back then, it all seemed so clear,

The life in yeshiva although he was so young, gives him the strength he needs to carry on.

Slide show Mechina, Mesivta, Yoishev / July 24

Slide show of pictures, shown on visiting day

Mesivta Video Mesivta, Yoishev / July 17

Mesivta of yeshivas kayitz kingston video number 1

Mivtza Video Mechina / July 11

Yeshivas Kayitz Kingston 8th grade division.




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