Yeshivas Kayitz Program sun The Hershey & Raisy Friedman Campus

Oholei Torah Moves to End the Summer Stress Mechina, Mesivta, Yoishev / January 22

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Do you get anxious when you think about the summer? Does your Bar Mitzvah Boy stress about
getting into the camp of his choice with his friends? Is your Beis Medrash Bochur pressured
because he wasn’t accepted to be a counselor, or does he prefer to spend his summer learning in
a yeshiva environment?
Figuring out summer plans for your teenage bochur was never supposed to be this hard. Oholei
Torah is expanding to remove this stress off our talmidim and parents.
With Hashem’s help and the Rebbe’s berachos, Oholei Torah has made a major investment in
ending this problem for parents and bochurim from 8 th  grade through Beis Medrash with the
purchase of a massive new Pennsylvania campground. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities,
these grounds will serve as the new expanded home for Yeshivas Kayitz Kingston.
YKK’s excellent 8 th  grade through Mesivta summer program, now with capacity for even more
bochurim, will be adding a brand-new yeshiva-style summer learning program for Beis Medrash
bochurim lead by Rabbi Fishel Oster that will be open to all. 
With a capacity of up to 600, more bochurim than ever before will have the opportunity to enjoy
a summer experience that fits with their goals.
Imagine if every bochur could seamlessly continue his learning through the summer. Imagine if
each talmid could grow educationally, socially and emotionally in a conducive environment.
Imagine if we had a space that is expansive in both its physical boundaries and its spiritual
Our new grounds will provide a robust ruchniyusdike atmosphere, replete with spacious Botei
Midrashim, serene classrooms, fully stocked library, and everything needed for maximal
Chinuch in an optimal summer environment.
While this is a large investment on the Yeshiva’s part, it is essential to our bochurim’s yearlong
success. Situated on a magnificent and expansive lakefront, the acreage hosts a wide range of
facilities, including housing, bunking, recreational centers, sports fields, swimming pools, and
everything needed for a bochur to flourish in both neshama and guf.
YKK registration opens 8pm, Sunday, 11 Shevat at, and is open to all 8th-
grade through Beis Medrash bochurim from the Crown Heights and global Chabad communities.
The three programs, 8 th  Grade, Mesivta and Bais Medrash, will thrive under the stewardship of
Oholei Torah Hanhala.
The Rebbe teaches that we must constantly grow, constantly expand, constantly serve Hashem
with a bren and breitkeit. This summer, we will increase and transform the grounds of
Pennsylvania into a makom Torah, with gorgeous Batei Midrashim, davening and learning
spaces. Together with the physical activities such as hockey, basketball, baseball, tennis, soccer,

football, volleyball, and the lakefront activities, we will see the full potential of our next
We look forward to a summer of complete redemption, united with our Rebbe and the elevation
of our new campgrounds to Eretz Yisroel with the coming of Moshiach!




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