Mivtza Zicher Kick-off Mechina / June 28

On Motzei Shabbos Parshas Chukas the 8th grade program officially kicked-off their very own Mivtza called "Zicher".
Mivtza Zicher is to help bring an excitement to all the good things which the bochurim Zicher do. Included in the Mivtza are things like Chitas, Rambam, Mikva and more. Throughout the summer, all participants will be receiving great prizes, and will be invited to attend exclusive Mivtza Zicher events.
To fill out the Duch every day, Mivtza Zicher was able to arrange special tablets for the Bochurim to insert what they have done, straight into the live statboard on the screen hanging above the Mivtza Zicher wall.
Asside for the individual awards, there are special Mivtza Zicher teams to give it a twist. The five teams race to outdo the others each week to receive a special pizza and ice cream party just for them. All teammates and captains do whatever they can to help and encourage they're fellow friends to get as many Mivtza Zicher points as they can for their team, to win the team prize.
Mivtza Zicher is off to a great start! The Bochurim are busy becoming better chassidim one step at a time, as the staff are busy preparing for the prizes and events to come!