Yeshivas Kayitz Program sun The Hershey & Raisy Friedman Campus


Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is visiting day?

    We will not be having visiting day this summer.

  • What are the dates for Yeshivas Kayitz this summer?

    Yeshivas Kayitz starts on Wednesday, 27 Sivan - July 3 and ends on Thursday, 18 Av - August 22nd.

  • When does registration open?

    Registration will IYH be opening Sunday, 11 Shvat/January 21st.

  • How much is tuition?

    Tuition for our 8th grade program and our Mesivta program is $4,500. There is a non-refundable $500 application fee will be applied towards tuition. If your application does not get accepted, your application fee will be returned.

  • Is the $500 registration fee refundable?

    There is a non-refundable $500 application fee will be applied towards tuition. If your application does not get accepted, your application fee will be returned.

  • When do I find out if my son is accepted to Yeshivas Kayitz Program?

    Once fully submitted, we will try our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

  • What are the bus times and locations?

    Wednesday, 27 Sivan/July 3rd Location: President street and Brooklyn Ave 12:30 PM loading. 1:00pm Departure. From Yeshivas Kayitz Program(18 Av/August 22nd): The buses will be coming from a grand trip and arriving in Crown Heights at President street in front of FREE (1383 President) at around 6:00 PM.(subject to change). Beis Medrash:Wednesday, 17 Av/August 21st Approximately 4:00pm

  • What are the visiting day hours?

    We will not be having visiting day this summer.

  • How do I email my son?

    Log on to your account and under my account services there will be a option to email your son.

  • Can I mail a package to my son?

    You can mail it to us at, 119 Woods Road Lakewood, PA 18439

  • How does my son call home?

    We have 12 phones set up by the office for them to call by activities.

  • My son's birthday is coming up, what are our option?

    During the summer, under your account there is a services option, under services there are some birthday options to choose from. As well, feel free to contact our office for more information.

  • What is the suggested amount of spending money to send with my son?

    $50-$100 Canteen (there will be 3 delicious meals cold drinks and snacks every day, so canteen is not a necessity) $25-50 Spending money We recommend having your son give his money and any valuables to his counselor to hold it for him securely.

  • How can i send money to my son?

    To send more spending money or to reload your son's canteen account, please log in to your account and under services follow the options.

  • How do i tip my son's staff members?

    Please log on to your account and under services follow the option for tip staff.

  • How does laundry work?

    Part of your sons tuition, Yeshivas Kayitz sends out all of our campers and bochurims laundry to get cleaned. Laundry is done every 10-14 days.

  • Can my son bring a sandwich maker or other forms of cooking equipment?

    No, as per the Fire Department, it is a fire hazard and therefore not allowed.

  • Can my son bring with him a refrigerator?

    No, as per the Fire Department, it is a fire hazard and therefore not allowed.

  • Can my son bring with him any music devices and electronics?

    We have a strictly enforced Music and electronic policy which can be found under your account once logged in.

  • Where can i find a packing list and Seforim list?

    Under camp info, on the left there is a packing list tab.

  • Can my son be dropped off the first day in camp?

    Please contact the office.

  • Can my son be picked up the last day in camp?

    Please contact the office.

  • How does my sons luggage get to camp.

    There will be a truck the day before camp on Tuesday, 26 Sivan - July 2 between 8:00 - 10:00 PM.




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